Today we started out going over the cameras IDTV had. I met with Matt, and we talked for about an hour about all the camera settings, and equipment they had at their disposal.
After meeting the other employees I was set on a mission. I was filming b-roll, which is background footage that helps the videos flow together and support the subject of the news. I was told to film people walking, running, biking, skateboarding, and all the other activities our community partakes on the river trail. I got to use a Sony PMW 100, which is a $3,000 camera and had a blast! One thing I learned is there is a camera setting called gain and the gain was set for low light and my footage came out a little bright, but luckily I got some good shots.
In the afternoon I worked on a brief about Animas being recognized as a Distinction School and it was actually really hard. I couldn’t find all the information I needed to make the brief have enough substance so I contacted some of my teachers, Michael and Jake to try to get some more information.
After meeting the other employees I was set on a mission. I was filming b-roll, which is background footage that helps the videos flow together and support the subject of the news. I was told to film people walking, running, biking, skateboarding, and all the other activities our community partakes on the river trail. I got to use a Sony PMW 100, which is a $3,000 camera and had a blast! One thing I learned is there is a camera setting called gain and the gain was set for low light and my footage came out a little bright, but luckily I got some good shots.
In the afternoon I worked on a brief about Animas being recognized as a Distinction School and it was actually really hard. I couldn’t find all the information I needed to make the brief have enough substance so I contacted some of my teachers, Michael and Jake to try to get some more information.