- Review the Tower of Hanoi problem and grade the POW write up.
- Investigate Methane Emissions in Zoige Wetlands to practice reading statistics.
Tower of Hanoi POW
- Goal: The goal of this problem was to generalize the least amount of moves to move n disks.
Grade the Tower of Hanoi POW
- Self Grade: Use the rubric attached to the Tower of Hanoi Assignment and give yourself a grade. Write your score under self grade.
- Peer Grade: Trade with a partner and use the rubric to score each other’s POW. Write this score under the total score.
Methane Emissions in Zoige Wetlands
- Goal: The purpose of this assignment is to give you one more opportunity to practice reading a complex research paper. We will do this individually and the discuss as a class to verify that you can see the technical aspects of the paper.
- Complete this Assignment as you read: Sample Study Assignment