Objectives: Solve the Tower of Hanoi problem, and develop a foundation of work for the POW write up.
Warm up: Read page 8 in the textbook, and then go to this website and play a couple levels of the Tower of Hanoi game. Below answer the following questions in your notebook:
- What is your strategy for solving the puzzel?
- Given 3 discs, what is the minimum amount of moves you can make?
POW Activity: In groups of 4 to 5, answer the following on a whiteboard.
- If the monks moved one disc per second, what is the amount of time for the monks to complete 64 discs?
- How long would it take them to complete n discs?
POW 1: (Due Monday 12/9/19)
Tower of Hanoi Assignment and Rubric
Tower of Hanoi Assignment and Rubric