Starter: POW Review
Read through this Exemplar POW
- What did the student do well on the write up?
- What is something they could improve on?
- What parts of their POW would you incorporate into yours?
Biggest Box Activity
Unit Question: What makes shapes efficient?
Description: The main task for this activity is with a single sheet of construction paper, build a box with the largest amount of volume. Volume will be measured by how much rice krispies the box can hold. At the end of the activity we will line up the boxes to see which shapes hold the most and which shapes hold the least.
Description: The main task for this activity is with a single sheet of construction paper, build a box with the largest amount of volume. Volume will be measured by how much rice krispies the box can hold. At the end of the activity we will line up the boxes to see which shapes hold the most and which shapes hold the least.
- What shapes did you find to hold the most rice krispies and which ones held the least? Why?
- In what other ways could we measure “the biggest” shape, and how would that be relevant to volume?
- How could this activity be related to efficiency?
3-4-5 Triangle POW (Due Friday), Class supplies by end of the week.