- Compile and organize all research questions
- Write the all school survey
Research Activity
Find the Research Questions Activity we worked last Thursday.
Pick 3 groups and 3 metrics, and write 3 different research questions following this format:
“Is there a difference between __”group”__ with respect to ___metric___?”
Pick 3 groups and 3 metrics, and write 3 different research questions following this format:
“Is there a difference between __”group”__ with respect to ___metric___?”
Sticky Notes:
Out of the 3 research questions, pick the one that is most interesting to you.
Out of the 3 research questions, pick the one that is most interesting to you.
- Write it on a sticky note and pass it to your partner.
- On your partner’s sticky note bullet point the metric and the group
- On the poster on your table, organize all the sticky notes by group, and title the group clearly on the poster.
- On an empty space on the poster list all the metrics from the questions. Clearly write it so it is visible from a little ways away.
Creating the Survey
- Open the Math 10 Statistics Survey
- Create a question for your group if it has not already been asked
- Create a question for your metric if it has not already been asked
- Cross off your group and metric on the whiteboard