Recognize similarities between triangles and how to classify them.
Properties of Triangles Activity
Materials: 1 sheets of graph paper, 1 sheet of printer paper (one for triangles, one for the poster)
2. After you have completed creating your triangles, cut them out and sort them into
groups. They should be sorted according to one or more properties they both share.
Tape or glue them on a poster with the categories clearly labeled.
3. On your poster, how would you prove that two triangles are congruent? Do all sides have to be equal? Do all angles have to be equal? What is the minimum amount of information you need to prove two triangles are the same? Explain.
4. Post your poster on the wall
5. Exit Ticket: Respond to at least two of your peers by answering one the following prompts in 3-5 sentences.
-In what ways did they organize their triangles that made it clear or unclear to
understand, and why?
-To what extent does their proof justify that two triangles are congruent? Explain.
-What question or curiosity arose from studying their poster of triangles?
- On a piece of graph paper make as many triangles as you can that fit all of the following criteria:
- Each Triangle has an area of 6 square units or 12 square units
- Each Triangle has vertices aligned with the grid lines on the graph paper
- Each Triangle has a horizontal line
2. After you have completed creating your triangles, cut them out and sort them into
groups. They should be sorted according to one or more properties they both share.
Tape or glue them on a poster with the categories clearly labeled.
3. On your poster, how would you prove that two triangles are congruent? Do all sides have to be equal? Do all angles have to be equal? What is the minimum amount of information you need to prove two triangles are the same? Explain.
4. Post your poster on the wall
5. Exit Ticket: Respond to at least two of your peers by answering one the following prompts in 3-5 sentences.
-In what ways did they organize their triangles that made it clear or unclear to
understand, and why?
-To what extent does their proof justify that two triangles are congruent? Explain.
-What question or curiosity arose from studying their poster of triangles?
POW is due on Friday (video POWs can be turned in via youtube, airdrop, or external hard drive)